Another review of Carvertical! What Did We Find Out About Our BMW?

In the first review of the CarVertical service, we so-called “knocked” our first Škoda Superb II vehicle and found quite interesting information. This time we underwent the process of checking the history of the vehicle of our BMW E91 from 2008. What did we find out by checking the VIN and then verifying it using the CarVertical?

Check the VIN of your vehicle!

We start as always by entering the VIN in the “Enter VIN code” field, which you see above or on the home page of our website . This starts the verification and check of the VIN code, see. Fig. below. If you do not know where to find the VIN code, click here.
Collection of information about the vehicle according to the entered VIN code
Collection of information about the vehicle according to the entered VIN
After completing the collection of information about the vehicle, we are redirected to a screen with a checked VIN for free, we see that the VIN code agrees with the make and type of vehicle, ie the BMW 3 Series.
Checked VIN of the vehicle for free
Checked VIN of the vehicle for free
Thanks to VIN check via our website, you automatically get a 10% discount couponConfirmation that the CarVertical discount code has been activated can be seen at the top of the screen in a green box with the text “You’ve received an additional 10% discount.
CarVertical 10% discount
CarVertical 10% discount
With this discount, the purchase of one report costs $14.39 and with a package of two reports even the pleasant $9.45.
Price of vehicle history check with activated 10% discount code
Price of vehicle history report with activated 10% discount code
After purchasing the overview, we again see the section “Your car in a nutshell“, which is such a summary of the entire report on the inspected vehicle.
Summary of the verified VIN code (vehicle history report)
Summary of the verified VIN code (vehicle history report)
No problem with the odometer was found for this vehicle, but it was found that the vehicle was damaged in an accident .
The entire overview of the vehicle’s history was again stored in the blockchain. You can find the confirmation here .
This vehicle history report has been saved to the blockchain.
This vehicle history report has been saved to the blockchain.

The next section contains a total of 6 vehicle registration records. Date of manufacture April 15, 2008 in Germany, in the same year a month later the vehicle was registered, but the country of registration is missing.

In 2016, the vehicle was imported to the Czech Republic in March 2016, and 7 months later, damage to the vehicle was found, which is reported in another part of the report. Other records on changes in the technical certificate (owner, MOT, emissions,…) are from 2018 and 2019.

VIN checked for records of registrations, MOT, damage, etc.
VIN checked for records of registrations, MOT, damage, etc.
In the next section of the overview of this vehicle, a check was made to see if the vehicle was subject of debt or lease, restriction of property rights or was not used as a taxi, police car etc.
In the image below you can see a list of all verified facts.
Vehicle VIN check for debt, lease, taxi, rental, etc.
Vehicle VIN check for debt, lease, taxi, rental, etc.
In the next step, the VIN was checked in the databases of stolen vehicles from several countries. The result, of course – negative, ie the vehicle is legally in order and is not reported as stolen in any of the 13 countries examined.
VIN check in stolen vehicle databases
VIN check in stolen vehicle databases
Now we come to the most common criterion that people are interested in, and that is the actual mileageIn our case, the course (graph) of the mileage is perfectly fine with the rising trend, so the odometer was not manipulated in any way.
VIN checked for condition of the odometer with a clean rising course.
VIN checked for condition of the odometer with a clean rising course.
As mentioned in the overall summary at the beginning, Carvertical found that there was a record of vehicle damage . The vehicle was really damaged in 2016 and the price of the repair was almost CZK 15,000 which equals approx. $500Here is its graphical representation on the 3D model, including the estimated cost of repair.
Vehicle damage record with estimated repair cost (2016)
Vehicle damage record with estimated repair cost (2016)
In addition to this record, the CarVertical report also contains information on whether the vehicle has been damaged by fire, water or hail and much moreThe list of inspected damages is relatively extensive, which ranks CarVertical among the top VIN check & vehicle history report provider.
Other possible damage or defects
Other possible damage or defects
The next part is focused on the identification and technical specifications of the tested vehicle. It therefore contains information on the engine, power, country and year of manufacture and a detailed list of equipment.
Technical specifications vehicle equipment according to VIN
Technical specifications vehicle equipment according to VIN
Last but not least, this section also includes the ” Checklist ” section, which will help you with a physical inspection of the car using detailed instructions and procedures for detecting hidden faults.
Useful procedures for detecting hidden faults
Useful procedures for detecting hidden faults
Finally, there is also a section with the  most common technical problems related to this vehicle (model) – the BMW 3 Series.
List of common faults for this model
List of common faults for this model
With this further overview of the vehicle’s history according to the VIN code, we have once again confirmed that CarVertical is an excellent helper in detecting damaged or rolled-up vehicles and their eventual purchase, which the seller states as undamaged and completely in order.

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