Look at These 10 Locations and Find the Vehicle's VIN Number Fast.
VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is a 17-digit code that is used to uniquely identify the vehicle. Let’s say that it is like our DNA which is also unique.
There is no uniform guide to find a VIN on the vehicle. Each VIN manufacturer places the number differently, even with different models of one brand. Typically, it is located on the right side in the direction of travel. The most common placement is:
- Under the windscreen (most modern vehicles have a VIN under the windshield in front of the driver, visible from the outside of the vehicle)
- embossed on the engine compartment divider
- embossed at the top of the wheelhouse
- right front spring and cushioning unit holder
- passenger’s floor
- right side of the rear seatback
- right side of the rear luggage compartment
- right side of the frame
- Type plate 1 in the door or door post
- Type plate 2 in the engine compartment